You're reading BAM! Vol. 3, issue 2

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Temporary Love by Vernajh Pinder

Temporary Love
by Vernajh Pinder

I see remnants of you in the vespers of light

pouring in through the curtains

I hear your voice in the crackles of cigarette ashes

being put out on an ash tray

I feel you in the beat of the rain

dancing on the tree leaves

In the twirl of the flowers

swaying side to side without a care in the world

I look around me and you’re always there

in a simple but nuanced way

The subtlety of your complexities remind me

that we are just specks of matter

Little atoms existing in the density of the universe,

trying to find our way

Trapped in the ghastly moments of sonder,

our minds unraveling in the space time continuum

Breaking free of a Paradigm,

nocturnal habits lie awake

And I wear your love like my favorite hoodie,

old, worn, threads constantly unraveling

But weaved together in black and white

like the temporary memories of us