Felicia Tasby Artist
Felicia Tasby Acrylic Painting

Felicia Tasby, Deep Thought, 2020, Acrylic on Canvas

On a beautiful day in June 2017, I decided to put my hands into some paint. Mind you, I had never painted in my life, but I kept on painting whenever I could and I found my passion after being in the military. It took a lot of brushstrokes to get to where I am now and I still have a ways to go. I learn from different artists every day and try my hardest to practice my craft in any way possible.  

As far as accomplishments, I was an acrylic teacher for Michaels in Macon, GA for a while which was great. I truly loved it and I enjoy teaching others as well. One of my biggest accomplishments so far is having a home for my art business. I finally have a place of my own to show my art to the world. Another one is being a part of the first Black Art Magazine. This is truly an amazing time for me and all great emotions are running through me. I’m super excited about it all.

Felicia Tasby, Tranquility, 2021, Acrylic on Canvas

The art that I create is like a clear vision of my soul and how I feel. I create these masterpieces when I am totally lost in my craft. Everything just fades away and I am in the zone. It’s just my soul and the paintbrush doing what they do best: creating a beautiful piece of color. Painting helps me deal with so many things, almost like a personal therapist with no need for words. Everything is already understood. My motivation is meeting those who buy my art and knowing that they all have a piece of my vision and soul. I put everything into the masterpieces I create.

Artist Contact Info


Instagram: @lotusart2.0