“Black Star” by Ashante Ford

Black ★
Ashante Ford

I’ve always enjoyed the act of crying. No matter
what anyone said. It became the ultimate act
of defiance growing up and the most beautiful form of release.
It brings me closer to my humanity that an American society tries to take away from me

My vulnerability becomes a catalyst for my youth as I walk in stride now; from years of
nourishing my emotional
I offer rhythm to empathy and water to joy. On days I feel at my lowest, I wade the waters
of rivers created by my eyes alone.
It’s not fun, but with years of practice,
I learned how to create floatation devices from my own breath and tread lightly on my new

The thing I love most about tears is their versatility–
how easily they can fit into every emotion: happiness, sadness, anger, grief, and some of the
most purest forms of joy.
Now, I never underestimate my power to create rivers from eyes.
My asé dances when currents are induced by love and passion and the epiphany that is coupled with the sentiment of home.

I dip my toes into the water,
lift my head to the sun,
call the rivers to swell,
and reclaim the trail of tears
all in one breath.

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