Surrealist Paintings by Faith Bryant

Faith Bryant Artist
Faith Bryant Surrealist Painting

Faith Bryant. For Dust Thou Art, 2022, Oil on Canvas

Faith Bryant is a Christian surrealist painter redefining ways to read and imagine scripture. From a strong religious upbringing, Faith often fantasized about heavenly worlds and characteristics of the soul. In 2016, Faith sought after the origins of religious art at Nyack College graduating with a BA in Art History and Education.

Currently in ministry school, Faith aims to share scripture through visual landscapes, vivid color theory, and strong symbolism. She has shared her work with Heath Gallery, Kente Royal Gallery, Soirée Henzo, and with Christianity Today.

Faith Bryant Artist

“Love demands creativity; love draws out our call to make. Love is the language of the Holy Spirit and through love, the Spirit guides us. If to love God is to know God, then our knowledge of God depends on the act of making”

-Makoto Fujimura

For me, this is what it’s always been. Raised on the pulpit of a Pentecostal church, the back of my father obstructed my view of the people; people seeking truth, love, identity, and to be chosen. I had questions, but felt too small to ask them. For years, I’ve journeyed to truth, only to find it beneath the words in the book I ran from. Clear images framed by verses that scared me the most. I paint to illuminate truth and to color a holy book. My work is for those who still wonder, who fantasize about heaven’s landscapes, to those who believe in God.

Read our interview below to get a glimpse into Faith Bryant’s creative journey.

How does your background in Art History influence your approach to creating contemporary religious art? Are there particular artists or periods that have had a significant impact on your style?

My background in Art History has given me the ability to reflect on how art speaks to the era in which it was created—and how it influenced people, often challenging them to turn toward God. I’ve been heavily influenced by the Surrealist movement, which carried strong religious undertones and revolutionized human experience by bringing the otherworldly into the tangible world. I believe Surrealism was one of the first movements to make spirituality more accessible and recognizable. Its vivid colors, tones, and dreamlike forms have deeply shaped my artistic style and profoundly influenced how I envision heaven.

Faith Bryant Surrealist PaintingFaith Bryant, Many Are Called, 2022, Oil on Canvas

Your artist statement mentions a 7-year journey to truth. How has that period of questioning and discovery shaped the way you approach your art today?        

For seven long years, I searched for belonging, identity, and a truth on which I could anchor my life. The harsh experiences I endured in church and the absence of godly love I witnessed in my Christian upbringing led me to doubt that the God of the Bible was all there is.

Yet, in the two years from 2021 to 2023, as I began creating art, something transformative happened. Each piece I painted, inspired by verses that weighed heavily on my heart, became a life-giving landscape. Little did I know, my desperate prayer in 2020—born out of exhaustion from trying to discover who I was—was being answered through the very work I was creating. Those verses were revealing my true identity in Christ. If God could use my art to reach me so deeply and change my life forever, how much more could He do for others? I now dedicate my work to Him, trusting that it will be a vessel for His transformative power in the lives of others.

How do you choose which verses or themes to depict in your paintings, and what does that selection process look like for you?

More often than not, the verses and themes in my artwork mirror the current state of my faith. My journey as a painter began as an attempt to transform the fear I once had of God’s Word into something beautiful and life-affirming. Over time, I realized that whenever I heard a verse or a passage of scripture, it would immediately take shape as a vivid image in my mind. The beauty of this creative process is that each piece not only reflects my spiritual walk but also seems to resonate with others—speaking directly to their prayers, questions, or need for confirmation.

How do you balance the desire to explore the unknown with the need to stay true to scripture in your work?   

Everything beyond the present is unknown. As I create, I intentionally resist the urge to trust in my own understanding, plan out the work in advance, or cater to what I think others expect to see. Instead, I lean on the words of scripture: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Staying true to scripture means staying rooted in truth itself—Jesus Christ. My art is an offering to glorify Him, a genuine expression of my personal relationship with the One who guides my every step.

Faith Bryant Surrealist PaintingFaith Bryant, Jonah, 2022, Acrylic on Canvas

Are there any new themes or concepts you’re excited to explore in your art? How do you see your work evolving in the future?

There are so many new themes and concepts that I’d like to explore.  Things like genealogies, the soul, and overarching biblical themes—creating from a living book means never-ending possibilities and inspirations. I see my work becoming more experiential, stepping outside of flat surfaces and becoming something more relational.

What range of emotions do you experience when creating art?

Creating art can be different with each piece, but I often find myself in a state of worship and awe. My vision and hands might feel disconnected, but the process of blending panels draws me in completely. What I love most is seeing the finished artwork. I’m reminded of the scripture, “…he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” As my faith grows, so does my creative process.

Faith Bryant Surrealist PaintingFaith Bryant, Double-Minded, 2023, Oil on Canvas

What do you look forward to most in your art career?

I’m excited to create larger pieces, but right now, I’m limited by my space. I look forward to my art reaching more people and sharing the gospel. I hope to have a studio one day where I can create more freely.

Artist Contact Info

Instagram: @edenesq_
