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Interview with TY DESIGN


TY DESIGN, She Embodies: Effortlessness (Virtual Reality Rendering), 2024, Virtual Reality Rendering

As a Seattle native, some would say that I was born with a paintbrush in my hand. From drawing and painting to now fabricating signature art series, as an artist, I am always exploring new avenues of niches. Over the years of cultivating my interest, my ultimate focus has led me to my new inspiration of bridging both the art world and my interior design world together.

In creating my brand TY DESIGN, I focus on the unique craftsmanship of fabricating art and rendering them into high-quality virtual reality spaces. What sets my niche apart from others is that I am utilizing my skills in creation and design as an outlet that is beneficial to others. In a real setting, I am building a unique avenue that is geared toward providing artists with a unique tool to elevate their work.

An artist myself, I understand the relatable challenges that artists may face when it comes to a lack of resources for staging and showcasing amazing artwork throughout their artistry portfolio. Don’t have a studio or high-end gallery to stage your work in? Why not go virtual!

TY DESIGN, She Embodies: SUAVE, 2024, Canvas, Acrylic, Metallic Ink, and Jewelry

The creative world has always been my passion and muse as it has allowed me to share my visions and creations for others to enjoy. With every year coming and going, my niche and style are constantly evolving. I love exploring vast ideas and techniques when it comes to working with mixed media and technology. I dive into pushing the limits as a creative as I live with the mindset that the possibilities of a great idea are endless.


TY DESIGN, She Embodies: Effortlessness, 2022, Canvas, Acrylic, Metallic Ink, and Jewelry

How did pursuing an interior design degree impact your development as a creator? Is there anything you learned that stuck with you?

Interior design has dramatically impacted my development as a creator. Being a designer has inspired me to take my niche seriously. Before, I looked at art and creation as an outlet, but now it has developed into my identity as a creator.

One major thing that has stuck with me is the importance of finding ways to bridge your interest with your passion. If you find it, you’re already winning. Bridging both passions together taught me to develop my signature and stand by it! Your niche is what makes you, you.

How do you foresee the future of interior design evolving, especially with advancements in virtual and augmented reality?

The future of interior design will be evolving into interesting settings as the use of AI starts to grow stronger and more intuitive. This is an area I feel will pose a great challenge for many creatives alike. But rather than compete with it, why not use it to our advantage? I foresee the use of virtual reality as being helpful in bringing snapshots of ideas into reality without the use of labor commitments. Best of all, it allows viewers to explore many different possibilities.

TY DESIGN ArtworkTY DESIGN, Sage (Virtual Reality Rendering), 2023, Virtual Reality Rendering

In your journey as an artist, what has been the most unexpected experience, realization, or challenge?

In my evolving journey as an artist, one of the most unexpected occurrences is experiencing the overwhelming love, support, and interest from others when it comes to Black art. Oftentimes when at art galleries or selling art at art markets, I am often asked the question from viewers, “Why Black art?” I tell them that as an artist I have many collections and styles, but I show Black art the most because in the art world and the eyes of society, we’re never shown.

Sometimes it feels good to go into a gallery or art market and see art that reflects you, elevates you, and inspires you. As one of the many thousands if not millions of other Black artists out there, I will continue to promote self-love, beauty, and the elevation of Black, African, and American culture and identity.

Is there anything you do today that you wish you had known to do years ago?

Knowing what I know now if I could go back in time and change, I would keep the art that I made throughout my years of school. Most people who have accumulated art from school projects discarded them over the years, failing to realize that a lot of those art pieces are great gems (originals) that were tossed away. Looking back on it, there are a handful of art pieces that I should have kept for keepsakes or to evolve them. Keeping some art from the past shows the beauty of your artistic evolution. It’s basically an art museum of just… well, you!

What advice would you give to emerging artists who are interested in exploring the intersection of art and interior design?

The advice I give to any and all emerging artists that are interested in the unique dynamic of design and art is to live, love, and trust the process! There is no right or wrong way to be an artist first and a designer second.

If you’re inspired, do it. If you desire it, try it. Find the vision, explore the vision. At the end of the day, your style and interests are what make you unique. Hone your craftsmanship, style, and niche and use them to your advantage for success.  And lastly, be confident in your work! A strong design must be behind strong confidence.

TY DESIGN ArtworkTY DESIGN, The Dawning Orion (Virtual Reality Rendering), 2023, Virtual Reality Rendering

How do you define success as an artist?

Your success as an artist is defined as the moment you have a balance between doing what you love and making financial gain from it. That is financial gain in the form of how it can benefit you, as well as those who find the beauty in what you do and desire to support your artistry.

How can we further grow and empower the Black art community?

It’s simple, keep showing up. Keep showing our gifts, talents, niches, and interests that defy the norms and stereotypes pitted against us. Most importantly, keep pushing each other and inspiring others to keep adding to the movement.

What’s next for you and your artistry?

Be on the lookout for my brand taking off as my unique design service strives to serve the artist community. This opportunity will lead me to the manifestation of contributing towards opening a unique avenue in the art world, hosting immersive art shows and other future design businesses and opportunities.

Artist Contact Info

Instagram: @tyl80_art